Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Brazil Mission Trip

We arrived in Brazil yesterday evening to our final destination.  We were scheduled to be here at 2pm but didn't make it until 8pm due to being held up in Miami with a delayed flight.  So we missed our connection in Sao Paulo and had to catch a later flight.

The delay was due to American Airlines overbooking the flight.  I guess they loaded everyones luggage and then had to take the luggage off of those that did not make it on the plane.  That ended up being a 2-3 hour process of us just sitting there on the plane.  Not the most fun we've ever had but it's over.

Other than that, all the traveling went well and all of our luggage made it here safely.  When we got here, the church had a welcome service for us.  Made us feel special since we weren't sure that would happen b/c we arrived so much later than expected.  We shared in songs of praise to Jesus and also shared our dance with them.  They really get into it, especially the kids, trying to mimic the sweet moves.  They really love their music down here and they love it loud.

We woke up this morning to a good breakfast of PB&J, ham & cheese and scrambled eggs.  We had coffee and juice as well.

VBS went very well today.  We shared a drama, a lesson and craft followed by a snack.  We had about 60+ kids there.  Afterward we helped prune some trees around the church building and then came in for lunch.

We are all doing well and enjoying the blessing of this opportunity.  Thank you all for your prayers.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Brazil 2011 - Packing

For 16 months, we've been preparing for this mission trip we will leave for tomorrow.  From getting the team together to working on team building to putting together a schedule, a lot of effort has gone in to this trip. 

We hope, above all, to glorify God in this and to grow spiritually.  We also hope to be an encouragement to Bill and Erika Moore who have been serving in Brazil for about eight years. 

It's been three years since we've been there and we're excited to see the changes that have occurred.  Please keep us in your prayers.

Last night we got our supplies packed up:
I learned early on that some teens need a LOT more direction...

...than others.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Six Flags

Our Intern, Dave Tillett, took the Sr. High teens up to Six Flags to spend the day.  We had a great time riding the roller coasters, eating $30 fries and drinking $20 cokes!

Batman coaster...Phil's favorite.