Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cotton-Eyed Joe

Kicking it up to Cotton-Eyed Joe!!  A favorite with the teens!

Teachers' Breakfast

This morning our Youth Ministry, along w/ RCHS Fellowship of Christian Students, served breakfast to the faculty and staff at RCHS. It was a great time of showing our appreciation to the teachers and staff that work so hard in educating our students.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Purdue Track Meet

A group of us from church went to the Purdue Track Meet today to assist with running the events. Our jobs ranged from raking the sand pit for the long and triple jump, retrieving the javelins after being thrown, running wind guages, posting the numbers for the High Jump, etc.

We had a great hard-working group. The purpose was to raise some money for our Mission Trip. For our help we'll get a check to put towards the 2011 trip. It was a fun and, for most of us, unique experience.

The teams there were Michigan St., Indiana St., Rose-Hulman, St. Joseph's, Wabash College and Purdue.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Regional TI

We took four car/van loads of teens down to Crawfordsville today for Teens Involved (TI).  TI is an opportunity for teens to use their gifts to glorify God.  Categories include vocals, instrumentals, vocal/instrumentals, preaching, teaching children, drama, web presentation, prose, etc.  It's a great way to stretch yourself and try something new to see if you like it.

All the teens did well despite a bit of nervousness. It was the final TI event for two of our teens who will be graduating next month.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Help out at the Purdue Track Meet

As of 4/17 at 8 pm CST, we have 13 of the 20 we are recruiting for this event!

UPDATE:  I was made aware of the fact that it’s against NCAA rules to use high school age prospects at Purdue varsity sporting events.  (Jr. High age is okay.)  So we are in greater need of adult volunteers. 

I'm in need of 20 people to help with the track events at the Purdue Track Meet on Saturday, April 24.  The meet runs from 10-4 EST and we need to be there 30 minutes early.  I would prefer those that can commit to the whole day but if you can only participate part of the day, that would help too.

Jobs include raking the sand pit for the long and triple jump, retrieving the elements in the throwing events, setting up the hurdles, etc.

It will be a fun opportunity and with it we will earn some money toward our Mission Trip in 2011

Please let Phil know ASAP if you are able to help!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

a Chill w/ a Phil in a Pril

Hope you enjoy the title...I like to be clever whenever possible.

We had like 17 teens tonight come out to Chill plus two leaders.  Fun night.  We played knockout, banana grams, 3-on-3 basketball, euchre, forks (as spoons weren't readily available), hide and seek, and some other games.  It was a blast, as usual, and nice to be outside! 

Here we are playing Banana Grams.  (What's up w/ Jon's expression?)

Lining up for Knockout.  (What's Jon doing?)


Must have been something I said. :D

Playing "spoons" with forks. 

Spring Work Day

Twelve teens showed up to serve today for our youth work day.  We had three jobs that included washing windows, cleaning gutters and some yard work.  It works out really well when so many teens can come as it makes the work go more quickly and a lot more fun.  Thanks to all of you that were able to help!